Friday, 31 October 2014

tough week, tough heart


Sup' peeps! It's been tough week. God knows how miserable my life is. Aku rasa minggu ni mampu buat orang gaduh. As a matter of fact, minggu ni sebenarnya study week. I got macro paper dis monday. Wish me luck gais. 
Sepanjang minggu study week ni, aku ada dua test which ate account and costing. Ya allah,ni bukan study week namanya, minggu biasa je. Lol

Untuk test account, alhamdulillah aku boleh jawab walaupun aku tak pernah dtg class untuk topic yg masuk test. BUT!!!!! For costing, i feel like crying whenever remind of the test. Aku tak boleh buat bapak kecewanya. I know others must feel the same way as me, tapi aku taktahu lah kenapa kecewanya aku dgn test costing.  Tuhan je tahu macam mana berkecai hati aku takleh jawab paper tu.

Bila dah kecewa dgn test, mulalah berjangkit dgn semua benda. Ada je yang tak kena itulah inilah. And the worst is im starting to overthink about everything and suddenly put me into sadness. Weird huh? Yea, i know im acted like imma freak.

Smh, aku teringat pasal pagi tadi. I wonder, my friends dah tak suka aku ke? Atau aku je yg syok sendiri overthinking. Apa benda yang keluar kat mulut orang aku rasakan sangat pedih. Eventho, it's not a big deal at all. Aku rasa macam nak je balik kuantan sekarang jugak, taknak dah tengok tempat ni. 

Aku cuma rasa sedih, sedih yang amat. Rasa nak menangis sangat sangat. I know nobody cares bout me anyway, aku je yang selalu fikir pasal perasaan orang. To me, friends are my priority. Tapi manusia, you can tell.

Sunday, 28 September 2014



Sekian lama tak update blog ni. Bukan taknak update, cuma kinda not in mood all the time i guess hahaha

All i can say is my life is totally great after a few years struggling with circumstances. It's been 1 year and a half aku belajar kan hulu beranang ni. 

Tertarik akan satu ayat ni " Every sinner has a future and every saint has a past"

Okay, relating to my kind of "situation" right now urm i think people nowadays are like "talam dua muka" but to me it's "talam bermuka muka" 

We can't just trust people bcs they're being kind to us or so whatever but behind our back they are the one who talk bad bout us.
idgaf bout others, but i always care when someone being busybody bout my life. It's a huge different between caring and busy body. 
The one dat being busy body, i suggest you all get a live instead of taking care bout other people business. You're not an angel, so you're not perfect. Just live and let live.

To whom always take care and concern about me, all i can say is i cant be any grateful to have you all as my friends- could be best friends i guess? hiks

Have faith and god bless.